Monday, 3 February 2014

Chocolate Orange Cake

For all you asian's out there, you'll know that we just celebrated Chinese New year! WOOHOO ^_^ We are welcoming the Year of the Horse, so let's not fear ourselves and go and chase those dreams that you have been dreaming of :)

So in celebration of Chinese New Year, I thought, what better way than to treat everyone to cake :D? Well I say everyone ... but it was only a select few, I ran out of ingredients xD! So, I present to you, the Chocolate Orange Cake! I really wanted to create something that represented Chinese New Year, obviously the standard colour red would be a good feature, but I didn't have any red food colouring. Oranges or small clementines are a big feature in Chinese New Year, largely used to present to your elders who have passed and respect them. 

Anyway, enough of the history lesson ^^ I had a few failed attempts trying to get the cake to taste orangey, but also have a hint of chocolate to really bring out a unique cake. In the end, I came up with this recipe ^^ 

Chocolate & Orange Cake
As always, I used Linda Lomelino's recipe (click on the link to access it ^^), omitted the sprinkles and replaced it with:
- The juice of 2 oranges
- The zest of 2 oranges
Chocolate Powder (2 teaspoons)
Don't forget to take the pips out before you squeeze it into the mixture! Otherwise someone will get quite a bitter surprise xD!

Whipped Cream
As for the whipped cream, if you want to know how to make that, then pop over to the Lemon & Blueberry Cake (click on the name to access ^^) for the instructions :) 
Just add:
- The juice of 1 orange
- The zest of 1 orange
Then I decorated it with icing flowers and orange zest ^_^

Happy Chinese New Year y'all, may you all be blessed with happiness, joy, success and good health this year and every year thereafter ^_^! I hope you enjoy this cake as much as I did, and I think this is the first cake that I have actually really enjoyed, and didn't find much fault with it! YAY SO HAPPY n_n! Bon Appetit!

Stay safe & keep smiling, 
  |\ /|


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