Monday, 14 October 2013

Tomato & Halloumi toasted bites

Okay, so this is just a quick blog because i've been super busy with uni recently and haven't had time to cook good food. But this is a very simple and very yummy lunch that you can whip in ten minutes. How fab is that! Especially when you only have like an hour break before your next lecture! 

Tomatoes (1)
Tiger Bread (4 slices)
Halloumi Cheese (4 slices)

Cooking Time :D!
1) Take your bread and toast it, not too much because it does cook in the grill when you grill it later. Just enough for butter to melt on top. I chose tiger bread because tiger bread is awesome, and for the newer generations, tiger bread is giraffe bread in Sainsburys :P
2) Butter your toast
3) Cut up your tomatoes, in this case I only used one since I didn't have that much bread left and I wasn't that hungry. Cut your halloumi cheese into thin slices.
4) Turn on the grill, then top your toasted bread with cheese and tomato, before placing them onto a baking tray and grilling until the cheese is a little golden brown on the edges.
5) Bon Appetit!

Anyway, I must dash, I have lectures now. So I hope you enjoy this super quick blog and I shall be blogging about the baby shower cake pops soon! Don't worry, I didn't forget :) 

Stay safe & keep smiling, 
  |\ /|



  1. Hey Kat!!!
    I don't know if you remember me but I was on a roeland kamp 2 summers ago!
    I really love your blog!!!
    I will follow it!
    I have a blog as well!!
    (this is my blog!)
    (this is the blog of my best friend and me who was on that camp as well!!)

    1. Of course I remember you! Thank you so much sweetie! :) Your blog is so creative! :D I'll follow too :) xx


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